Master Healer & Master Hypnotist

Past Life Regression

Past life regression therapy can help you identify details about the individual you were, the circumstances of your past life, key events, places where energy or emotions have been blocked or stuck, and even other people in that prior lifetime that may be here now. It can also help you gain a broader perspective on your current life and bring clarity to certain emotional or behavioral patterns that may be rooted in past experiences.

Past life regression therapy is offered to help individuals explore their past lives and bring ancient soul wisdom into their current life. Past life regression therapy is a gentle healing technique that takes you on a hypnotic journey, safely into a past life time.

During a session, the you are guided into a relaxed state, similar to hypnosis, and prompts you to recall memories from your past lives.

Past life regression therapy can help you identify details about the individual you were, the circumstances of your past life, key events, places where energy or emotions have been blocked or stuck, and even other people in that prior lifetime that may be here now. It can also help you gain a broader perspective on your current life and bring clarity to certain emotional or behavioral patterns that may be rooted in past experiences.

While past life regression therapy is not supported by science, those who are more spiritually inclined might find value in exploring a new side of themselves and their potentially everlasting soul. Past life regression therapy can be especially helpful for individuals who feel drawn to certain eras in history or have unexplained emotional issues.

If you're interested in exploring past life regression therapy, you must first experience a regular hypnosis session.  Questions are always welcomed.

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression should only be experienced under the guidance and direction of an NGH Master Hypnotist, who has been Certified as a Past Life Regression Facilitator.

Before a Past Life Regression session, it is important to have previously experienced hypnosis. 

Master Hypnotist, Mary McCandless, is an active member of the National Guild of Hypnotists.  She is also a Certified Past Life Regressionist and Life Between Lives Facilitator.  She is an Associate Member of the International Board of Regression Therapies

Mary McCandless is a Certified Instructor of Hypnosis through the NGH and teaches thru ChangingLivesHypnosis (Northumberland County).

  • Past Life Regression: 120+ minutes, $375
Hypnosis Sessions


Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Past Life Regression

Past Life

Life Between Lives

Life Between


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