Master Healer & Master Hypnotist

Hypnosis Sessions

Hypnosis is a safe and effective method that allows you to access your subconscious mind, enabling you to transform your self-esteem and improve your overall well-being.

At, I offer hypnosis sessions to help individuals tap into their subconscious and make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors.

During your first visit, which typically lasts 1½ to 2 hours, you will experience hypnosis in a safe and peaceful environment. I will guide you through the process, helping you create a personalized approach to enhance your quality of life through hypnosis. You will also learn easy self-hypnosis methods to continue your journey towards self-improvement.

Hypnosis is excellent for improving self-esteem and silencing that inner voice that tells you that you're not good enough. It can also help you become healthier and happier by releasing stress and tensions, improving sleep, and making fears more manageable.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, hypnosis does not involve becoming unconscious or losing control. Instead, you will feel even more "awake" and remain fully aware at all times. You will feel calm, peaceful, safe, and in control. Hypnosis is a state of focused attention that allows you to make positive changes in your life.

After the session, you will receive an Mp3 recording to reinforce the suggestions made during the session, enhancing your experience at no extra cost.

Listen to a sample of the healing voice of Mary McCandless.

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It has been an honour working and growing with Mary and I am grateful that she has entered my life. She is the most warm-hearted, sensitive and caring person one can meet. Mary is an amazing healer and a fantastic hypnotist.  Peter Fink, BCH, PhD, Master Hypnotist and Teacher

Hypnosis Sessions are also available by Zoom or FaceTime, a free high quality video conferencing program that allows us to see and hear each other using your computer and a webcam (and headset, if you choose). Zoom is free and easy to download off the Internet, free of adware/malware/spyware, etc. and most importantly, confidential.

I have had great success using Zoom or FaceTime to work with hypnosis clients who are unable to visit me in person, due to location or time constraints.

At this initial session, you will also be guided to quiet your mind and go into a very deep meditative or trance-like state.

With Zoom…Mary is right there with me, shining her lovely presence! We can chat…read…laugh…explore and I can be hypnotized. It’s a regular session in the comfort and convenience of my own home…and I’m half a country away! (and I’m not even that computer literate. Zoom was new to me, but Mary made it easy). I’m thrilled! SF

I travel a lot with my job and often I can’t fall asleep in an unfamiliar place. My mind keeps replaying the same things over and over again. I tried everything. Nothing helped. I Skyped with Mary and she helped me fall asleep easily and remain asleep throughout the night. LL 

Hypnosis Sesions

To learn more about how hypnosis might help you, schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation or schedule an appointment below. Questions are always welcomed.

  • Hypnosis Session: 120 minutes, $150
  • Hypnosis/Package, 3 Sessions: 75 minutes, $375

Most people find three hypnosis sessions the most beneficial. You will also be provided with an mp3, which will complement your treatment and enable you to continue to continue to move forward in creating the life you desire.

Hypnosis Sessions


Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Past Life Regression

Past Life

Life Between Lives

Life Between


Pain Management

Skype Hypnosis Sessions


Reiki Treatments


Spiritual Counselling
